Braver Conversations

Braver Conversations  is a brand new regular column run by The News-Gazette in Champaign, IL.  The column will be written by members of the Braver Angels Alliance of East-Central Illinois.  The goal is to offer stories of common ground, examples of BA principles, and tips on how to disagree with respect and civility, all with a local focus on East-Central Illinois.  

Latest Braver Conversations Article

Join the Conversation

News-Gazette readers (and others) are encouraged to join these Braver Conversations by offering feedback, suggest topics, and ask questions to be addressed by Braver Angels members in the column.

Click Here for the Reader Submission Form

The Braver Conversations Team

These members of the Braver Angels Alliance of East-Central Illinois rotate writing and editing duties for the column.  They also work together to review and decide upon topics.