Illinois Alliances and Ways to Get Involved

Image from the Office of the Architect of the Capitol of Illinois

Braver Politics

Braver Politics is a new movement in Illinois and other states where Braver Angels members are getting more directly involved in promoting civility and respect between elected officials and between officials and their constituents.  

Please contact the state coordinators for more information.

If you would like to get more involved in Braver Angels of Illinois, you can join an Alliance. 

Alliance members are dues-paying members of Braver Angels ($12/year) and have attended at least one workshop. Visit the membership page of the national website.

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Braver Angels Illinois Statewide Zoom Alliance

The statewide Zoom Alliance meets on the third Sunday of each month at 6:00 PM.  It includes Braver Angels from all over the state of Illinois discussing recent issues and potential workshops and initiatives.

To learn more and get the Zoom link, contact our Alliance Co-Chairs: Brian Padden and Chuck Stone.

Image from Wikipedia

Braver Angels of East Central Illinois Alliance

This is a mostly in-person Alliance of Braver Angels members in the Champaign County area of Illinois.  The group is informally named the "Tired-of-all-the-Fighting Illini" and meets at 7 PM on the last Tuesday of the month; location can vary.  

For more information, please contact the Alliance Co-Chairs: Tony Schutz and Craig Chamberlain.

Image from Wikipedia

Chicagoland Braver Angels Alliance

We have a mix of online and in-person meetings for our members in the Chicagoland area.

Even numbered months: first Saturday of the month, we meet in-person, noon to 2 pm

Odd numbered months: first Thursday of the month, we meet on Zoom, 6:30 to 8:00 pm

If you are interested in attending one of the Chicagoland Alliance meetings, please contact our co-chairs: Svetlana Bekman and Brian Padden.